Minecraft server Infernal MC

Plugin assisted vanilla with regular friendly players (who are just straight up vibin') and active operators

1925 Position
1925 place
Voting for the server
7 votes
Server description

Plugin assisted vanilla with regular friendly players (who are just straight up vibin') and active operators, who look to make sure you're having a good time and to help you out where it's needed:)

There are measures in place to stop griefers and thieves! All block changes are logged, and we can rollback any damage done to your chests, animals and base:)

Chest Protection (LWC)

/cremove - remove protection
/cprivate - add protection
/cmodify USERNAME - allow named user to access protection

Chest sorting (InvUnload)

/unload - sort all items (not in hotbar) to chests near you
/dump - put all items (not in hotbar) to any chests near you

Trade (Trade System)

/trade USERNAME - send a trade
/trade accept/deny - yes/no to incoming trade


/warps - list available warps
/sethome - this is where you live now:)
/home - go to where you live
/kits - see available kits

Mob collection
Pufferfish 1
Drowned 1
Stray 1
Help the server find new mobs for the collection :) It's free and fun!
Find a mob
Book of complaints, problems and errors
Book of complaints
If you notice incorrect information or inappropriate content on this page, or encounter any problems with this server, please report it. The rating administration and the project owner will try to help you. Let's improve Minecraft servers together!

In this section, only server Infernal MC is discussed with all its pluses and minuses. Advertising, swearing and insults are forbidden.
