Minecraft server Modded MC

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562 Position
0 out of 20
562 place
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Server description

Minecrafts serves with 100+ modpacks are coming as well as a website and more is a modded Minecraft Survival server to make your experience even better You can play with your friends, make land claims, make towns, make player warps, buy & sell items to others and more! Come join our welcoming community Visit our website: https://moddedminecraftservers.com Modded Minecraft Servers operate pack of modded Minecraft servers for gaming freaks. Our servers offer you a distinct mode of entertainment, with unique Minecraft world that allow you to compete and collaborate with friends, large lobbies where you can socialize, and big custom-crafted worlds to explore your creativity. Currently, we have numerous Minecraft worlds serving thousands of players at a single time.

Mob collection
Creeper 1
Magma Cube 1
Zombie 1
Help the server find new mobs for the collection :) It's free and fun!
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What affected the server position? updated 4 minutes ago

In this section, only server Modded MC is discussed with all its pluses and minuses. Advertising, swearing and insults are forbidden.
