Minecraft hats servers

Minecraft hats servers

List of Minecraft hats servers – descriptions, IP-addresses, statistics, screenshots, video, comments and many other useful information. Thousands of Minecraft servers. Find your favorite project for playing with your friends!

Server Core Players Stars Diamonds
1 United States
Open World MmoRpg
131 out of 1000
2 United States
AGN hosting your favorite modpacks since 2010! Checkout our 20+ modpack selection!
20 out of 100
3 United States
[1.17 - 1.20.2] Cross-play, Multiverse, SMP, Anarchy, Creative, OneBlock, Skills, Stats, Abilities, Ranks, Claims, Crates!
0 out of 500
4 United States
Join the Dankest SMP on the West Coast!
0 out of 64
5 Canada
Number 1 OP server with tons of unique features: plots, gangs, drugs, explosive items, cheapest donor ranks, custom mines, and t
1.7.2 PE 1.20
24 out of 50
6 United States
[1.12x - 1.20x] Now with new features
1 out of 1500
7 Canada 1.20.6
0 out of 96
8 United States 1.7.10
9 Germany Banner of Minecraft server FTB Direwolf20 by CraftersLand 1.7.10
44 out of 400
10 Germany Banner of Minecraft server FTB Infinity Evolved by CraftersLand 1.7.10
44 out of 400
11 Germany Banner of Minecraft server SkyFactory2 by CraftersLand 1.7.10
44 out of 400