Icon of Minecraft Server 3B3T

Minecraft server 3B3T

There are no rules, no restrictions. No lags, it's getting better all the time!

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Server description

The server has been running for more than 4 years, and during this time there have been no wipe donations and administration interference in the gameplay.
There are no rules, bans, prohibitions, moral values here, do what you want.
The administration itself writes plugins and rewrites the server core itself.
It uses its own hardware, which is why the server will never close due to "lack of funds"

3B3T.ORG - A server where your actions will never be sold. A server where you are not ashamed to play!

Сервер работает уже больше 4 лет, и за это время на нем не было wipe донатов и вмешательства администрации в игровой процесс.
Никаких правил, банов, запретов, моральных ценностей здесь нет, делай что хочешь.
Администрация - сама пишет плагины и сами переписывают ядро сервера.
Используется свое железо, из-за чего сервер никогда не закроется из-за "нехватки средств"

3B3T.ORG - Сервер, на котором твои поступки никогда не продадут. Сервер на котором не стыдно играть!

Mob collection
Panda 1
Ghast 1
Skeleton 1
Help the server find new mobs for the collection :) It's free and fun!
Find a mob
Book of complaints, problems and errors
Book of complaints
If you notice incorrect information or inappropriate content on this page, or encounter any problems with this server, please report it. The rating administration and the project owner will try to help you. Let's improve Minecraft servers together!

In this section, only server 3B3T is discussed with all its pluses and minuses. Advertising, swearing and insults are forbidden.
