Minecraft servers like 2b2t

Minecraft servers like 2b2t

List of Minecraft servers like 2b2t – descriptions, IP-addresses, statistics, screenshots, video, comments and many other useful information. Thousands of Minecraft servers. Find your favorite project for playing with your friends!

Original server
Server Core Players Stars Diamonds
United States
The oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Chaos, battles, cheats...
Other servers
Server Core Players Stars Diamonds
1 United States
Open World MmoRpg
119 out of 1000
2 United States
Minecraft anarchy server with no rules and no queue! 100+ players online everyday and no queue!
1.21.1 PE 1.21
128 out of 1000
3 United States
Absolute Vanilla Anarchy Survival
1 out of 999
4 Germany
0b0t is a minecraft anarchy server from 2016 and a good alternative to the popular server 2b2t, but without the long queue.
Banner of Minecraft server 0B-0T-ORG Anarchy 1.12.2 PE 1.12
3 out of 1337
5 Russia
When we truly calm down, we will cease to exist. [Full version 1.21.1]
Banner of Minecraft server 02Calm 1.21.1 PE 1.21
0 out of 48
6 Russia
Anarchy server 1.21
Banner of Minecraft server Karasique 1.21.3
7 out of 150
7 United States
Crafted to deliver a pure, unmodified survival experience for those seeking true freedom.
17 out of 100
8 United States
5b5t Anarchy Server 1.12.2
Banner of Minecraft server 5b5t 1.12.2
7 out of 100
9 Netherlands
Valentine Anarchy a Diverse Friendly Server
Banner of Minecraft server Valentine Anarchy 1.20.1
0 out of 100
10 Finland
V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021
Banner of Minecraft server V For Vanilla 1.21.4
13 out of 50
11 Canada
1.18.2 Anarchy server without rules
0 out of 300
12 United States
The Hostmeister is a Cross-Platform Survival Anarchy server dedicated to free speech and player choice.
Banner of Minecraft server The Hostmeister 1.20.1 PE 1.21
5 out of 100
13 Finland
Finnish anarchy server
Banner of Minecraft server 2B2T Finland 1.21.4
0 out of 2025
14 France
Decouvrez 2B2FR, un serveur Minecraft anarchie ou regnent chaos et liberte totale.
1 out of 100
15 United States
Endzone is an active 1.19 Bedrock Server. We bring the best lag free and feature rich experience to 1.19 Bedrock Anarchy.
Banner of Minecraft server endzone 1.19
0 out of 100
16 Russia
Esto no es A4
Banner of Minecraft server LateCraft Survival and Minigames PE 0.14
8 out of 250
17 Canada
Number 1 OP server with tons of unique features: plots, gangs, drugs, explosive items, cheapest donor ranks, custom mines, and t
1.7.2 PE 1.20
20 out of 50
18 United States
[1.12x - 1.20x] Now with new features
1 out of 1500
19 Netherlands
1.17 anarchy / 2b2t 1:1 clone
0 out of 1
20 India
Vanilla Bedrock SMP Join us, Discord https://discord.gg/SMUHUnGyyz
Banner of Minecraft server ServerExe PE 1.21.51
0 out of 16
21 Denmark
There are no rules, no restrictions. No lags, it's getting better all the time!
22 France 1.21.4
2 out of 69
23 United States
Cave MC is an enhanced vanilla, semi-anarchy survival server where the entire world is underground.
6 out of 200
24 Ukraine
1.8 - 1.20.X
Banner of Minecraft server test 1.16.5
0 out of 100
25 Australia
Nether Anarchy is a 1.16 Anarchy Server like 2b2t. It is the oldest pure 1.16 Anarchy server, and is currently the largest.
8 out of 20
26 Australia
PhoenixAnarchy - 1.19.2 Anarchy Server - [Anarchy] [PvP] [Survival] [No Rules] [No Resets] [No Bans]
Banner of Minecraft server PhoenixAnarchy 1.21.4
7 out of 20
27 United Kingdom
Next generation survival server designed to handle unlimited amount of players while having no server-side lag.
119 out of 1000
28 United States
Classic Vanilla Minecraft
119 out of 1000
29 United States
Aurora Anarchy is an active 1.16 Bedrock and Java Anarchy Server. We bring the best lag free experience to both platforms.
0 out of 100
30 Russia
лучшая копия 2b2t!