Minecraft PE dupe servers

Minecraft PE dupe servers

List of Minecraft PE dupe servers – descriptions, IP-addresses, statistics, screenshots, video, comments and many other useful information. Thousands of Minecraft servers. Find your favorite project for playing with your friends!

Server Core Players Stars Diamonds
1 United States
Minecraft anarchy server with no rules and no queue! 100+ players online everyday and no queue!
1.21.1 PE 1.21
217 out of 1000
2 Germany
0b0t is a minecraft anarchy server from 2016 and a good alternative to the popular server 2b2t, but without the long queue.
Banner of Minecraft server 0B-0T-ORG Anarchy 1.12.2 PE 1.12
6 out of 1337
3 Russia
MasedWorld лучший школо сервер
Banner of Minecraft server MasedWorld 1.20 PE 1.21
4605 out of 7000
4 China
The NyaaCat server is dedicated to providing a simple, reliable, and minimally restrictive original survival gaming experience.
Banner of Minecraft server NyaaCat Fluorescence 1.20.1 PE 1.20.30
26 out of 512
5 Canada
Number 1 OP server with tons of unique features: plots, gangs, drugs, explosive items, cheapest donor ranks, custom mines, and t
1.7.2 PE 1.20
12 out of 50