Minecraft 1.9 big online servers

Minecraft 1.9 big online servers

List of Minecraft 1.9 big online servers – descriptions, IP-addresses, statistics, screenshots, video, comments and many other useful information. Thousands of Minecraft servers. Find your favorite project for playing with your friends!

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Server Core Players Stars Diamonds
1 United States
[ 1.8 - 1.21x] BedWars, Survival 1.16, Prison, SkyBlock and 15+ games! ⚡
853 out of 3227
Diamond 2
2 France
One of the largest Minecraft networks in the world! Join today and play with friends from all over the world...
Banner of Minecraft server ExtremeCraft 1.20
336 out of 5000
3 United States
Home of over 35 unique games like Megawalls, Warlords and Blitz:SG!
4 United States
The oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Chaos, battles, cheats...
5 United States
A unique, fun and updated network with 8+ games. We have events, tournaments, and a friendly community since 2013!
1036 out of 3500
6 United States
🌟Tired of pay-to-win servers that get boring after 30 minutes? Check out our 100+ FREE ranks on our 20+ gamemodes!🌟
1.21 PE 1.21.50
187 out of 400
7 Russia
MasedWorld лучший школо сервер
Banner of Minecraft server MasedWorld 1.20 PE 1.21
4605 out of 7000
8 Germany
Einzigartiger 1.18 CB Server mit tollen Features!
212 out of 950
9 Spain Banner of Minecraft server AxtralCraft 1.8
1115 out of 20000
10 United Kingdom 1.16.1
120 out of 450
11 United States 1.8
12 United States
Play ~40 different modes to get better at bedwars. This include techniques, bridging, multiplayer and bedwars mode itself!
Banner of Minecraft server Bedwars Practice 1.8
13 United States 1.7.10
14 United Kingdom 1.7.2
1392 out of 5000
15 Taiwan 1.7.2
2835 out of 3000
16 United States 1.7
360 out of 1000
17 United States
Join the Purr-fect World of CatCraft Today!
1.7.2 PE 1.19
189 out of 280
#1 Minecraft RP Server | SchoolRP
117 out of 118
19 United Kingdom 1.7.2
2770 out of 6500
20 India 1.8
1781 out of 10000
21 United States 1.7.2
293 out of 1000
22 United States 1.7
1315 out of 10000
23 Canada Banner of Minecraft server mcFallout 1.8
943 out of 1500
24 United States 1.7.2
368 out of 1000
25 United States 1.8
126 out of 750
26 Vietnam 1.7
293 out of 2024
27 United States 1.8
126 out of 750
28 France 1.7
354 out of 920
29 Germany 1.7.2
1918 out of 1919
30 1.7.2
726 out of 727
31 United States 1.8
286 out of 1000
32 1.7.2
354 out of 500
33 United States 1.8
264 out of 1000
34 Canada 1.7
163 out of 5000
35 Canada 1.7.2
1119 out of 3000
36 United States 1.7.2
688 out of 1420
37 Canada 1.8
38 1.7.2
1686 out of 2000
39 Switzerland 1.7.2
1581 out of 5000
40 United States 1.8
77 out of 500
41 United States 1.8
86 out of 2000
42 United Kingdom 1.8
78 out of 5000
43 United States 1.7.2
100 out of 500
44 United States 1.7.2
582 out of 1500
45 United States 1.7.2
46 Iraq 1.8
492 out of 2025
47 Ukraine 1.8
115 out of 500
48 Romania
Best cracked bedrock and java crystal and kitpvp network! 24/7 online and laggfree
192 out of 530
49 United Kingdom Banner of Minecraft server Performium 1.7.2
132 out of 3999
50 United States 1.7.2
228 out of 229
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